The Clinical Practice Guidelines for TB may be downloaded here.
PSMID & PhilCAT Clinical Practice Guidelines for Tuberculosis in Adults 2020 Update
Chair: Vincent M. Balanag, Jr., MD, MSc, FPCP, FPCCP
Industry-Sponsored Lecture (Camber)
Clinical Advances in the management of HIV guidelines and New Evidence
Speaker: Joseph Perriëns, MD, PhD
University of Ghent, Belgium
Patients undergoing regular hemodialysis are considered vulnerable and thus require specific guidelines in the context of COVID-19. The goal is to minimize the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in facilities that provide routine hemodialysis services to this specific group of immunocompromised individuals. This document will guide nephrologists, physicians and other healthcare professionals practicing in hemodialysis units as they attend to patients seeking hemodialysis services in their facilities. Recommendations in this rapid guidance are based on best available evidence and will be updated as new evidence becomes available.
You may download a copy of the PSN-PSMID-PHICS Interim Guidelines in the Prevention and Control of COVID19 Infection in Hemodialysis Facilities here.
> NOTE: The COVID-19 Living Clinical Practice Guidelines contains UPDATED recommendations and evidence summaries. Click here to be redirected to the COVID LCPG.
This Interim Guidance on the Clinical Management of Adult Patients with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Infection (Version 3.1) is an update of the March 31, 2020 guidelines released by the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. New evidence have been published since then necessitating this update.This document is written to guide clinicians and health care workers in their COVID-19 related management decisions. It is based on available scientific evidence that is also rapidly evolving, as more is discovered about the pathophysiology of SARS CoV-2 and the pathogenesis of the disease. As such, the recommendations in this guideline are based on limited, often low-quality evidence, and need to be carefully balanced with clinical judgment. The use of investigational drugs should be discussed with the patient or a legally authorized representative carefully outlining the potential adverse reactions and the potential clinical benefits of these investigational drugs. A signed informed consent should be obtained by the clinician.
DOWNLOAD the Interim Management Guidelines for COVID-19 (Version 3.1) here.
Here is the latest treatment algorithm for the management of patients with probable or confirmed COVID-19.
Updated_COVID tx algorithm_July 20The Interim Management Guidelines for COVID-19 (Version 3.1) can be accessed here.
The Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID), Philippine Hospital Infection Control Society (PHICS), and Philippine College of Physicians (PCP) present the Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Outpatient Clinic Resumption in the Context of COVID-19.
SARS-CoV2, the causative agent of COVID-19, is a highly transmissible virus that can infect both patients and healthcare personnel in the community, clinic, and hospital settings. The virus is spread efficiently from person to person primarily through large respiratory droplets. A secondary mode of transmission is through touching of surfaces contaminated by droplets containing the virus. The infectious dose, however, remains unknown.
The situation in the Philippines has rapidly evolved since we detected our first COVID-19 case in January 30, 2020. We now have over 11,000 confirmed cases and almost 800 deaths1. The surge of cases back in March 2020 led to the implementation of an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) with the goal of flattening the curve. In line with this, healthcare facilities and physicians decided to concentrate on inpatient care and temporarily discontinued the provision of outpatient services. A steady number of confirmed cases is currently being reported in the country daily. Based on this data, the national and local government units have decided to shift the ECQ to either a modified ECQ (MECQ) or a general community quarantine (GCQ) in different areas of the country. Once the MECQ or GCQ is implemented, outpatient services are expected to resume in order to cater to stable, ambulatory patients who may or may not be infected with SARS-CoV2.
The objective of this document is to guide clinicians in preparing for the re-opening of both hospital and non-hospital-based ambulatory care facilities, and for the resumption of outpatient services during this pandemic. Recommendations in this rapid guideline are based on best available evidence and may evolve as new evidence emerges. Thus, it is important to remember that guidelines cannot always account for individual variation among patients and are not intended to supplant physician judgment with respect to particular patients or special clinical situations. These guidelines will be updated as new evidence becomes available.
This Philippine CPG for Sepsis and Septic Shock was developed because of (1) the significant burden of disease, (2) the confusion over the definitions, (3) the significant variability in clinical practice, (4) the availability of new evidence, and (5) the feasibility issues concerning cost, availability, and access to resources in the Philippines.
The full manuscript of this CPG for Sepsis and Septic Shock can be found here.
The following guidelines are interim and based on the currently limited information we have about the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19, formerly referred to as the novel corona virus (nCOV) acute respiratory disease) up to February 26, 2020. The reader is urged to be updated. This is version 2.0 of the guidelines prepared by the Philippine Society of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID) and the Philippine Hospital Infection Control Society (PHICS).
Dr. Jemelyn Garcia, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Maria Sonia Salamat, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Marja B. Buensalido, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Emmerson Gale Vista, FPDS
Dr. Clarisse Garcia-Mendoza, FPDS
Dr. Kingbherly L. Li, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Yvette Silubrico, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Chatie Olasiman, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Ma. Charmian Hufano, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Mitzie Lou Osabel, FPCP, FPSMID
Dr. Janice C. Caoili, FPCP, FPSMID
The Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID) Guidance on the Management of Mpox, Ver. 1 provides the basic and most updated information on management of patients confirmed with mpox.
This guidance complements the mpox recommendations of the DOH (Updated Interim Guidelines on the Prevention, Detection, and Management of MPOX, by Department of Health, August 26, 2024, Department Memorandum 2024-0306) and PHICS-PHICNA (Interim Guidelines on the Prevention and Control of Monkeypox version 1).
The antivirals, immunoglobulin and vaccines discussed below are not available locally. In our local situation, we should maximize supportive care for mpox cases.