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  • Committee on Membership
    1. To recruit qualified members of the Society
    2. To screen applicants for Associate and Regular membership and submit their recommendations for admission to the Board of Councils
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Scientific Activities
    1. To arrange and prepare for the scientific program of the Society, including scientific meetings at least twice a year, annual convention, and postgraduate courses
  • Committee on Constitution and By-Laws
    1. To furnish every member of the Society with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society
    2. To propose needed amendment/s to the Constitution and By-Laws
    3. To interpret to the members and other parties the provision of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society
    4. To formulate bills that may be needed by the Society and help in the pursuance of their adoption and approval by the Congress of the Philippines upon consultation with the Board of Councils and Philippine Medical Association
    5. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Medical Practice and Ethics
    1. To acquaint members of the Society with the international and Philippine Codes of Medical Ethics
    2. To investigate cases of infraction of the codes brought against its members and make proper recommendations to the Board of Councils of the Society
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Health Education and Community Projects
    1. To help disseminate medical information in line with health education, especially in relation to Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
    2. To help in community projects that will redound to the control and treatment of Infectious Diseases
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Community on Publications
    1. To take charge of the publication of the Society (PSMID Journal) such as scientific and technical articles, proceedings of regular and special meetings, and other pertinent news to the Society
    2. To receive and edit scientific papers for publication
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Ways and Means
    1. To find ways and means to enhance the financial interest of the Society
    2. To recruit individual or corporate donors or sponsors for projects of the Society
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Antimicrobial Stewardship
    1. To formulate the Society's program for promoting rational antibiotic use
    2. To coordinate and implement the activities of the program
    3. to coordinate with existing local and international organizations with the same vision on rational antibiotic usage
    4. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Infection Control
    1. To design programs and activities of the Society which will promote the adoption of policies and practices to ensure control of hospital-acquired infection
    2. To coordinate with existing bodies within the Philippines who are currently involved in Hospital Infection Control
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Awards
    1. To take charge of selection of the deserving fellows for special awards
    2. To select appropriate awards to young investigators and fellows
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Commmittee on Research Development
    1. To foster research studies in the fields of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    2. To award research grants to deserving applicants and to formulate criteria for awarding such grants
    3. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Immunization
    1. To design programs and activities of the Society which will promote adult and pediatric immunization practices
    2. To disseminate information on new vaccines and the current immunization protocol for both adult and pediatric age group
    3. To coordinate with Government agencies and other Non-Governmental Organizations which share the Society's vision on immunization
    4. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Nomination and Election
    1. To take charge of the nomination and election of the eleven (11) members of the Board of Councils
    2. To prescribe the procedures in the conduct of the elections including the proper qualification of the candidates
    3. To announce the results of the elections
    4. To coordinate with the Board of Councils on matters related to the election of officers of the Society
  • Committee on Standards of Care
    1. To select the different chariment of the sub-committees
    2. To coordinate with Government agencies and other Non-Government Organizations for the formulation of guidelines to improve standards of care of the diseases which the committee is mandated to resolve
    3. To propose updates of the current Clinical Practice Guidelines as the need arises based on recent clinical and epidemiological data
    4. To report to the Board of Councils
  • Committee on Accreditation
    1. aTo formulate rules, guidelines, and requirements for accreditation of Training Programs in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    2. To accredit Training Institutions with Fellowship Training Program for Infectious Diseases
    3. To monitor the Accredited Institutions to ensure a high standard of training in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    4. To report to the Board of Councils
  • AD-HOC Committee on Training and Curriculum Development
  • AD-HOC Committee on Information Technology and Media Relations
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