Strengthening involvement in issues of public health importance
From 2016-2017, under the direction of Dr. Mari Rose delos Reyes, PSMID continued to pursue its on-going activities and embarked on new undertakings particularly in strengthening the society’s involvement in issues of public health importance. A collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) was done to establish additional private HIV treatment hubs to improve linkage to care of HIV infected individuals. The PSMID national and its chapters also conducted HIV caravan in selected hospitals to promote awareness of HIV and improve referral system among health care practitioners.
During this time, the National Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) on Antimicrobial Use was completed, with the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society (PIDSP) and the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) as partners. The PPS is one of the main strategies of Antimicrobial Stewardship and is continuing up to the present time. The National Antibiotic Guidelines (NAG), was released, to guide clinicians on the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents for the different types of infections.

Research was further highlighted during this time. PSMID developed a research agenda to align with the Philippine National Research Health Agenda. Funding for research was increased and a collaboration with the Philippine Council for Health Research (PCHRD) was started. The grant which is given every year to deserving research paper was named PCHRD-PSMID Benjamin M. Limson Research Grant.
Consistent with its mission of upholding standards of care, PSMID has released new and updated evidence-based clinical practice guidelines with corresponding pocket guides, posters and infographs, on the following areas and conditions: “Ethics in Infectious Disease Practice in the Philippines”, “Acute Infectious Diarrhea”, “Typhoid Fever”, “Immunization of Adult Filipinos,” “Management of HIV for Health Care Workers”, “Sepsis and Septic Shock”, “Tuberculosis”, “Leptospirosis” and “Community-Acquired Pneumonia”. Up to this time, PSMID has vowed to sustain its work of producing evidence-based recommendations to help our colleagues on patient management.