PSMID Opening and PSMID@50 Day 1 Plenary Sessions
Chair: Pamela D. Ferrer, MD, FPCP, FPSMID
2. PLENARY 1: Transmission of the SARS-CoV-2: Can we end the pandemic?
Speaker: Maria van Kerkhove, MS, PhD
WHO Geneva
Chair: Marie Yvette C. Barez, MD, FPCP, FPSMID
3. PLENARY 2: Inflammatory Response due to COVID19
Speaker: Prof. Leo Yee-Sin, MMed, MPH
National Center for Infectious Diseases, Singapore
Chair: Ludovico L. Jurao, MD, FPCP, FPSMID
4. PLENARY 3: The Economics of Pandemics
Speaker: Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer, MD, MSc
WHO Geneva
Chair: Jaime C. Montoya, MD, FPCP, FPSMID, (Past President, PSMID)
5. PLENARY 4: How to stay Evidence-based in COVID-19
Speaker: Mary Ann Lansang, MD, MSc, FPCP, FPSMID
Past President, PSMID
Chair: Rontgene M. Solante, MD, FPCP, FPSMID (Past President, PSMID)