Rapid Evidence Reviews on COVID-19 Management
> NOTE: The COVID-19 Living Clinical Practice Guidelines contains UPDATED recommendations and evidence summaries. Click here to be redirected to the COVID LCPG.
Through the volunteer work of more than 50 EBM practitioners, methodologists and students from the UP Institute of Clinical Epidemiology and Asia-Pacific Center for Evidence-Based HealthCare, PSMID had graciously agreed to host these rapid evidence reviews on COVID19. The aim is to retrieve, appraise, summarize and update the available evidence on COVID-related management, to assist the frontline health workers, local policymakers, and government officials in their evidence-based critical decision-making.
The reviews should not replace individual clinical judgement and the sources cited should be checked. The views are not a substitute for professional medical advice. The views expressed represent the views of the authors and not necessarily those of their host institutions. Please note the date of the last update as this may change as new evidence emerges. The group is currently working on a living clinical practice guidelines (CPG) on the management of COVID-19 and will be published here when it becomes available.
A discussion of the general methods used can be found here: Rapid Evidence Review General Methods.
This initiative is coordinated Dr. Leonila F. Dans and Dr. Ian Cabaluna.
For any questions or information, please email covidrapidreviewteam@gmail.com.
1. Prophylaxis
- Should antiseptic mouthwash or gargle be used in the prevention of COVID-19?
- Should oral fatty acid supplements be used in the prevention of SARS-COV-2 infection or as treatment of COVID-19?
- Should zinc supplements be used in the prevention of COVID-19?
- Should Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine be used in the prophylaxis of COVID-19?
- Should choloroquine or hydroxychloroquine be used in the prophylaxis of COVID-19?
- Should Melatonin be used as prophylaxis for COVID-19?
2. Adjunct Therapy
- Should steam inhalation be used in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19?
- Should Vitamin D supplements be used in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19?
- Should Probiotics, honey, and escin be used in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19?
- Should N-acetylcysteine be used as adjunct treatment for COVID-19?
- Is high-flow nasal cannula oxygenation more effective than non-invasive ventilation or conventional oxygen therapy in treating acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients?
- Should corticosteroids be used as an adjunct in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should etoposide be used in the treatment of cytokine storm of COVID-19?
- Should hemoperfusion be used as an adjunct treatment for COVID-19?
- Should anticoagulation be used in the treatment of severe COVID-19?
- Should inhaled Nitric Oxide be used as an adjunct treatment for COVID-19?
- Should Virgin Coconut Oil be used in the adjunctive treatment of COVID-19?
- Should B Vitamins be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should vitamin C / ascorbic acid be used in the treatment of COVID- 19?
- Should Zinc be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
3. Treatment
3.1. Antiviral
- Should arbidol be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should camostat mesilate be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or Chloroquine (CQ) be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should lopinavir/ritonavir be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should remdesivir be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should Favipiravir be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
3.2. Immunomodulator
- Should mesenchymal stem cell therapy be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should convalescent plasma therapy be used in the treatment of critically ill patients with COVID-19?
- Should Colchicine be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should Intravenous Immunoglobulin G (IVIg) be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should Interferon be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should Leronlimab (PRO 140) be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should tocilizumab be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
3.3. Combination
- Should hydrochloroquine (HCQ) or chloroquine (CQ) in combination with lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should lopinavir/ritonavir combined with interferon-beta be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
- Should hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin be used in the treatment of COVID-19?
4. Conservation of PPE
5. Diagnostics
- Should electrochemiluminiscence immunoassay (ECLIA) tests be used in the diagnosis of COVID-19?
- Should rapid antigen tests be used as a screening tool for COVID-19?
- Is the 14-day COVID-19 symptom-based test an accurate screening test to clear persons to return to work?
- What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 patients?
- Should Chest X-ray be used in the diagnosis of COVID-19?
- Should IgM/IgG rapid test kit be used in the diagnosis of COVID-19?
6. Prognosis
7. Harm
- Does the concurrent use of ibuprofen worsen COVID-19 symptoms?
- Among patients with hypertension, is the use of RAAS antagonists associated with severe COVID disease or COVID-related deaths?
8. Pediatric Concerns
- What clinical characteristics and patient symptoms are associated with poor outcomes among children with COVID-19? (NEW! November 20, 2020)
- What is the sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR done on different clinical specimens? (NEW! November 20, 2020)
- What is the accuracy of chest CT scan in diagnosing COVID- 19 in children? What are the common chest CT scan finding in children with COVID-19?
- What are the mental health effects of community quarantine in the pediatric population, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Should convalescent plasma be used in the treatment of COVID-19 in pediatric patients?
- What is the prevalence of asymptomatic pediatric patients with COVID19?
- Should face shield and face mask be used in preventing transmission of COVID-19 in children?
- Should closed suctioning be used in the management of pediatric COVID-19 patients?
- Does school closure help in the prevention of the spread of COVID- 19?
- Can children be super-spreaders of COVID-19?
- Is hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine effective and safe to use as treatment for COVID-19 in children?
9. Others
- Are face shields effective in preventing COVID-19 infections?
- Are cloth masks effective in preventing COVID-19 infections?
- Should pooled sample testing using RT-PCR be used in screening patients suspected to have COVID-19?
- Which dialysis modality is most effective in treating acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients?
- Should negative pressure isolation rooms be used for COVID-19 patients?
- What dialysis method and practices would best reduce the risk of COVID transmission to healthcare workers performing dialysis on COVID patients?
- Is SARS-CoV-2 transmitted by asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic individuals?
- What is the second sedative agent to add to dexmedetomidine for sedation of COVID-19 patients?
- Should sanitation tents be used for prevention of COVID-19 transmission?
- Should suspected or proven COVID-19 mothers continue to breastfeed their babies?
- Is SARS-CoV-2 transmitted by airborne route?
- Is there vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in pregnancy?